Conclusive evidence that fans of this comic do exist!
Dan Willingham/Dustin Poms/Fugli Troll/Jamie B./Mari Rose/Picklejuice/Roland Hansson/Rone/She God/Skangel/Tom Martin/Warhead/Other Art
Okay, here's how it works; you send some fan art in, you get a place in "other art." You send more than one, you get your own category. See, for all walks of life their exists potential for one-uppism. Now get cracking!

Now, Daniel Willingham, meaning Stinkywigfiddle, has given me some of my best fan art over the years, but after checking out Head Doctor Productions (his post-Space Losers project) I'm not even sure I... want them any more. I mean, that's some genuinely creepy stuff he's putting out there. Let's just say if I ever hear about a guy being arrested for sewing smiley faces onto live gerbils I'm distancing myself as much as possible from who it almost definitely would be.
Do you dare to sample the dark wares of Dustin Poms and his comic!!? have ye the heart, the spirit, or the madness to?? Hahahaheehahahahh! ...No, really. Do you? I need to know.
Oh sweet God in Heaven. Sweet GOD in Heaven. Fuh-reaking zow. BOY, is this ever not intended for the young and/or stupid. In fact I'm betting that no matter who you are you probably can't handle this. When your mind is blown, you can go bitch at Fugli Troll to pay for it. I warn you though, you better get used to the idea of your browser wearing a medieval choke collar because his site's a freaking black-magic hellhound that'll make your computer its own bitch before the comic even comes up. Ouch, baby...
Jamie B. A simple man with a simple name and a simple purpose - to envision Zebra Girl in new and daring ways only a couple of people have probably considered. I mean, that must be it. What other purpose could anyone have?
Mari Rose, who's also Elevenbane! Wings of Change, her comic! The fan art, distinctive. And I guess nothing more needs to be said.
There's a man in the underground "transformation community" - a man with a bizarre hobby and a bizarre name. Being well established in certain circles is impressive enough for me to have been surprised at recieving fan art from the Intolerable Picklejuice. I mean, he'd been turning people into stuff for years before Zebra Girl came along. See what I mean?
Y'know... I think that, just maybe... if I had never been alive, Roland Hansson would of had to be me for you. I mean, he's already got his comic. I think he could handle the responsibility. Most others would turn to dust, but in him I have fleeting faith. Or cash. Maybe it's cash.
Rone, man, you have so much personality the ink insists you call it by its nickname. Man... that didn't even make sense, but you're so damn cool, I say it anyway. Rone, man... Rone.
Wow. Man, I know my comic's good... and maybe it's good enough to capture the enterest of one goddess, if I'm lucky. But two... man. I kick ass. Oh, ah, yeah, she's She God, or NeoGoddess maybe, website here.
She of the dually-spelled moniker, Skangl! ...Or Skangel! Whichever!
Just check out the fan art.
This head's a link to a special little section set aside for one of Ziggy's biggest fans, Tom Martin alias T.O.M. of Sandwich World fame. So huzzah! It's a cavalcade of Zebra Art!
Warhead, known to his legions of voluptuous women as J37IB, is... um... okay, I didn't think anything up past this point. I just wanted to say "legions of voluptuous women" in a sentence. And now I've done that. I guess I have Warhead to thank for that. So thanks, man. Wherever you are.
Artistic solos, the alpha and the omega of the fan tribute! The eternal influx of homage, infinitely precious in its value and variety. Gems of unique and original glory, sent to me by those who wear the same skin as you!! They're everywhere at once! They're everyone you see! They are the nameless other masses of Zebrites, except here they have names! It's the primary fan art section!!

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