Conclusive evidence that fans of this comic do exist!
The following is the work of Daniel Willingham, author of Space Losers and Head Doctor Productions. This is some great stuff, but let me tell you - you don't even wanna see this guy when he really gets going. Not unless you want your nightmares to have smiley faces innem. And they will. He's cerebral enough to do that. I'm glad he seems to like me...

OOOOOOOOhhhhh yes... this makes me happy. The one known as Stinkywigfiddle is responsible for this magnificent piece of art. Sandra sure looks upset about something, don't she? Which probably means Jack's making like a blowtorch somewhere. Stinky's got a website of his own, so if you want more of the same, and how could you not, check it out. Unless you want me to sic the biological nanites on you.
Urngh... Eyes... so... cute. Losing power... to... resist. Damn... you... Daaannnnn...
Another instant classic from Daniel Willingham and his Space Losers imagination! Talk about original. Check out the look on that thing's face.
Aww... they're so cute.
I don't know which is better - Sandra's expression or Sam's. I guess it was only a matter of time before someone did a joke like this, but Stinky does it with such panache, you know? Ooh, and I bet you wonder what I'm talking about, you not-having-seen-the-image-ers out there. You know who you are.
Magnificent. Easily worthy of Armaguestdon. See what all the critics have been raving about. See the last panel to end all last panels. See... Stinky's fan strip.

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