Jiminy crap, wouldja just look at all of this story thus far? Great, heaping mounds of plotline as far as the eye can see! Talk about an epic, huh? ...Well I think so. But y'know, It's not the length, necessarily, or even the plot twists that make this beautiful sequential logjam seem so huge... no, I think it's the detail. And therein, my slaves, the Devil will be found.
Grandeur notwithstanding, this is all rather scattershot and unorganized, based only loosely around important plot points and story arcs. Still, it took a lot of work, so you'll act like it's the finest thing ever, won't you? 'Course you will. Come to think of it though, I probably wouldn't have bothered with this section if I just could've fixed the dropdown menu for the Archives. Damn Keenspace.

2000 - WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE: Lookee, lookeeee!! I made a comic! ...Think it'll last?
Hell in a Handbasket: A trio of young Americans are beset upon by bizarre circumstance when Jack and Crystal, brother/sister team of pervert and bimbo, stumble upon a book of black magic in their attic! Like they'd stumble upon one anywhere else...
Demon Summoning and the Art of Motorcycle Repair: Housemate Number 3 (Sandra) certainly isn't comfortable dealing with crap. And when it's supernatural crap... well.
Animal Kingdom (or "And Now for Something Completely Different"): Our little friends seem to have made it through that ordeal, but at what cost? Well screw it, here's another whole Universe! Could this tale of cartoon characters trying to survive in a harsh, dystopian society be leading to something epic? Like I'd tell you! ...Oh, yeah. I will.
Enter the Zebra: Leaving that strange other world on a somewhat tragic note, we are treated at last to the fate of Sandra. Guess who wins the position of title character?
The Zebracist: Trying to find a quick solution to Sandra's little problem, a professor of demonology is called on the scene. But will he do more harm than good? ...Yeah, he will.
Coping With Mutation: As you can probably gather from the header, things did not go well with Professor Broadshoulders. No, Sandra must try and come to terms with the potential longevity of her situation, and move on. Like, to a new job for instance.
Lethal Hat: Get it? Like Oddjob? You know, he had a lethal hat, haha, and his name, it sounds like "odd job," and Sandra, she's, she's getting a job, so... so... heh.

2001 - THE YEAR WE MADE LOVE: Hey... this isn't funny...
Urban Legend: Turns out there are, in fact, other people in this world that Sandra inhabits! Common people who take interest in weird goth xenophobes.
Interactive Reading: Just when we're getting nice and comfy, the magic book that started all this shows Jack that it has a few new surprises up its spine.
Points of View: Sandra wakes up one morning to find her world turned upside-down. ...Literally! HaHa! Boy, I'll bet you didn't see that one coming. Literally! That's true comedy, right there.
Scar Tissue: Yes, there are other, common people in Sandra's world. But only literally speaking. They should probably stay out of her world in any other sense. Otherwise, it's probably not gonna be that funny. See, a sharp sonuvagun named Mike's set his sights on the mystery goth, and Sandra might not come away from that much charisma unscathed. Let us pray.
Lost and Found: The latest sad encounter with real life has left Sandra broken and doubting even her basic humanity. As if this wasn't enough, Jack relapses into screw-up mode and foriegn parties gain access to Tomie! It's all going to Hell... literally! Ha. Oh, I love that.
Going Down: Well, okay, the "literally" part comes in here.
Angels With Dirty Fur - Part 1: ...And we come out the other end to find ourselves someplace completely different. Sandra and Crystal are in another Universe and a bitter, familiar ex-cartoon star named Sam Sprinkles is their only guide. If this isn't the start of a beautiful friendship, I wouldn't be all that surprised. But Hell, it's definitely the start of one big-ass storyline. Hang on to your hats...

2002 - IN WITH A BANG, OUT WITH SOMETHING ELSE: Do Zebra Girl -- to the extreme!!!
Angels With Dirty Fur - Part 2: After a horrific conflict, what's left of the good guys struggle to survive under the city while tragedy hangs like a thick fog above ground. It's a low point to be sure, and it just might get worse before it gets better. But then again, maybe things aren't quite bad as they seem. Is there any potential for hope with Sandra down, the forces of Not-Evil on the run, and... Jack, what the Hell are you up to, anyway?
Angels With Dirty Fur - Part 3: The final mile of this... bitch of a storyline is at last set to be run, with Sandra, Jack, and a planet full of righteously indignated cartoons squaring off against one whacked out freak of a bad guy. And buddy, if you think there aren't any twists left to this little saga, you've got a few things coming to you yet. Keep those hats hung to. I said hang, dammit!
ARMAGUESTDON!!!: Flying crap, we made it! Or I made it. I don't know about you. Anywho, to celebrate the completion of Ziggy's first milestone epic, I TAKE A BREAK and let the reigns slide on over to a plethora of cartoonists from all corners of the web! Except for the loser corners. Fun and publicity is had by all!
Back in Black and White: Zebra Girl gears up again, with new styles, new directions, and, oh, hey, spooky dream sequences! Fresh startful!
Bar Hopping: Silly rabbit, human society is for humans! Well, apparently Sam don't play that, especially where alcohol's concerned. Will the crap never cease for Sandra?

2003 - OUR CURRENT SITUATION: What...? I'll say something cute when it's over. Geez.
The Magi-Net: Jack's been rather different since "Angels." What adventures into the realms of magic did he have while Sandra and Crystal were away? Crystal takes a gamble, and finds that Jack wasn't always alone with his prestidigitation in this honey of a story arc. Strap in...
???: All right, you've had enough for now. Come back later. And clean up your damn place!

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