| Here's a shot of me reveling in my newfound power and making an ass outta myself. As usual.
| This one goes out to my main man, the Dadster, for all those feats of strength over the years. This is a reference to Mystery Science Theater 3000, in case someone out there didn't notice.
| To my Number One Pal Francheska. Pokemon's not really my thing by the way, but she seems to like it.
 | I call this one "What Jack Saw." It takes place between comics 17 and 18. You do the math.
 | When I take over all of civilization I'm gonna require that this be the image encoded onto the backs of the microchips implanted in everyone's skulls. And you get to see it firsthand!
 | This here's the image I put on the front page when I get all sick like and can't update. Since I was sick when I made it it was a pretty rushed job and I didn't have the determination to clean it up in Photoshop to any great degree, but it came out surprisingly well anyway. Go fig. I SAID GO FIG NOW DAMMIT, NOW!! And hey, check out the colorized version She God did! ...NOW!!!
 | Alice in the Twilight Zone. Michael said he laughed 'til he stopped.
 | Paul Southworth's Black Plague, in all his germ infested glory! Whoo! This is great, but I guess I should mention I made up most of the supervillains in the background 'cause his rogue's gallery is yet tiny. Lessee, I got Maestro Mephistopholes, The Gentomatron, Red Cross (Black Plague's evil counterpart), Rabies Seal, Silent Gunman... 'Salmost a shame their first appearance has them dead.
| An homage to Framed!!! I gotta hand it to Damonk, he really knows how to play God! When he's not getting stuck in his own comic, that is. Geez, we oughtta nail that guy's feet to the Universe.
| Jeremy and Sandra share a moment. I must confess, I'm horribly, seethingly jealous of Jon Morris. He's one of my great inspirations for this job, and so I must kill him one day.
| Now, see? This is what I mean when I say I relate to Paul Southworth! This Krazy Larry pic was my first fan art, and I have to admit, I think it's some of my best work to date.
| What can I say, I got carried away. I've been trying my darnedest to get Scott Kurtz (webcomics guru) to mention this on his site (PvP, of course), but thus far I've been unable to elicit a response. Whether he's ignoring me, which I doubt, or my e-mail's screwed up, which is most likely, is uncertain, but at least you can see it here!
| Road Waffles go bye-bye. Me sad. And in intense pain.
| Road Waffles come back. Me happy. And in intense pain.
| False alarm. More pain.
 | Yeah. I heard.
 | Over at S.S.D.D. they don't fool around. Seriously. Alan Foreman's got a naaassty imagination, is all I'll say. I mean, I barely looked at the guy...
 | My humble version of the Brothers Grinn's Random Comics Theater over at Supermegatopia! They haven't put these up yet, but I'll never give up hope! Never... stop dreaming... sigghhh...
 | You got trouble with Tom Martin, you got trouble with Sandwich World. An' if you got trouble with Sandwich World, you got trouble with me. So I... guess it follows that trouble with Tom Martin is trouble with me too. Right? And if you've got trouble with me, you've got trouble with... Sandwich World? Meaning you got trouble with Tom. Wait... lemme start over.
 | Superosity by Chris Crosby's one of the best (and, in my opinion, realistic) webcomics there is, hands down. I couldn't resist. Oh, how I couldn't resist.
 | I don't know what is about Youthtopia that I find so appealing... maybe I just have a soft spot for grrls of the night.